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Tournament of Champions

The TOC is the state written championship for middle school students.  Grades 6-8.

Enrollment will close April 2nd.

Who: Students in 6-8 grade who have qualified to attend

Where: Rose State College, Midwest City

When:  April 4-5, 2025

Cost: $5.00 per student per test

TOC Delivery for 2025

The 2025 Tournament of Champions will be digital. Students should bring a laptop, tablet, or chrome book on which to take the test.

There will be a 6th grade testing room, a 7th grade testing room, an 8th grade testing room and a Math/8th Scholar testing room.

Students testing will be able to move from test to test as they finish.

How to Qualify for the TOC

1. Be in sixth, seventh or eighth grade.

2. Place first- fifth on a curricular or scholastic test (see TOCQ) in language arts, humanities & fine arts, math, science, current events, reading or social studies (2024-2025 school year). If the qualifying tournament is still giving tests in English and reading - both the English 1-5 and reading 1-5 will qualify for the language arts test. If the qualifying event only offers grade level mathematics, students enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry or higher level math will take the Algebra I, Geometry or higher level math test instead of the grade level math test at the TOC.

3. The competition where the placing occurred should have including five or more participating schools. There are some exceptions to this stipulation. If you have questions, contact

4. Students placing first-fifth as individuals in MATHCOUNTS Regional and the top five individuals from the State MATHCOUNTS competition qualify to take the math test.  

5. Students qualifying for the state Geography Bee qualify to take the social studies test.

6. Students placing 1-5 at the state level OSSM mathematics competition qualify to take the mathematics test.


NEW this year - Spanish 1 for HS credit students may register to attend the HSTOC and take Spanish 1 there. This test can be taken early at TOC if transportation is a concern.

1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies are awarded for each grade and subject test.  Top 10 medals for all students placing 4-10.

1st, 2nd and 3rd place Scholar Trophies for each grade level.


We offer testing on Friday and/or Saturday.  Students with conflicts on Saturday may choose to come on Friday to take their tests. Vice Versa.


On Friday Only

9:30 - Open to check in 

10:00 - Testing Opens

10:30 - Pickup t-shirts (if ordered)

5:00 - Students must begin taking their last test by 5:00

6:00 - must be finished testing

On Saturday Only

8:30 AM - Open to check in

9:00 AM - testing opens.  Tests may be taken early but must be completed by the designated times.

9:30 am - Pickup t-shirts (if ordered)

All students taking Language Arts should be finished by 10:00 AM

All students taking Social Studies should be finished by 11:00 AM

All students taking Science should be finished by 12:00 noon

All students taking Current Events should be finished by 1:00 PM

All students taking Humanities & Fine Arts should be finished by 2:00 PM

All students taking Mathematics should be finished by 3:00 PM

All students taking the scholars test should be finished by 3:00 PM

Awards are distributed after results are posted - at the end of each testing hour.

*Current Events items will come from the time span of March 2024 through March 20, 2025.

** At least 40% of the Humanities & Fine Arts test will be over the Focus Period.

TOC Scholar

Students qualifying for the Tournament of Champions in at least 3 different subject areas may take the scholar test.

  • The scholar test is a separate test covering all 6 subject areas.

  • Students will test in the subjects for which they qualified AND enroll in the scholar test.

  • The test will have 200 questions. 45 questions each from math, science, social studies and language arts.  10 questions each from current events and the humanities & fine arts focus period.  The same math questions will be given to each scholar candidate regardless of the level of math in which they are enrolled.  All questions will be challenging and geared for advanced understanding of the subject at each grade level.

  • Students will be given 90 minutes to take the test. It is possible that the student will complete the test in less time.  90 minutes (timed by question display on the monitor) is the maximum amount of time a student may take for the test.


Please use the google slides below to help you register for the TOC. The website is linked in the slides. This is a new process and we will be learning as we go so we thank you for your patience. Enrollment is ready! The event enrollment closes April 1st.

Video steps for how to Register Students

Order deadline for day of tournament pick-up is March BY 4PM. 

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