Quiz Bowl Camp
Oklahoma Quiz Bowl Camp is to help middle school and high school players develop strategies for study and preparation for academic competitions.
The camp will teach students how to become better quiz bowl players and how to direct their own knowledge acquisition.
Who: rising 6th-12th grade students
Where: Murray State College, Tishomingo
When: July 20-24, 2025
$375 - resident camper
$250 - day camper
$275 - resident coach
$200 - day coach
Camp Director: Mr. Tracey Hickman
The camp is staffed by current and former college-level players and coaches. The staff members have been successful at the national quiz bowl level. They bring first-hand knowledge of what it takes to win at a higher level.
Enrollment must be received by June 25. Payment or school purchase order number must be received by July 8. Funds may be encumbered for payment in fy2024-2025.
The residential camp fee includes:
Dinner Day 1-4, Breakfast Day 2-5, Lunch Day 2-4
Lodging & access to all classes & tournaments
Per Student Day Camp Fee includes:
Includes Dinner Day 1-4, Breakfast Day 2-5, Lunch Day 2-4
& access to all classes & tournaments
Coaches may attend as a resident or day camp
Coach Resident Camp Fee:
Includes Dinner Day 1-4, Breakfast Day 2-5, Lunch Day 2-4
Lodging with special break-out sessions for coaches.
Coach Day Camp Fee:
Includes Dinner Day 1-4, Breakfast Day 2-5, Lunch Day 2-4
& special break-out sessions for coaches.

Class Topics
Camp staff is currently developing the curriculum for 2025.
Students will be housed in dorms on campus at Murray State College in Tishomingo. The Dorm name is McKee Hall. Dorm Rooms have mini fridges and two twin-sized beds.
Sunday - Day 1:
1-3 Check In - Foyer of Science and Agriculture Building
4-5 Opening Meeting - Science and Ag 121
5:30- 6:15 Dinner - Student Center Dining Hall
6:30 - 830 Singles Tournament - Throughout SA building
Days 2-4:
8:00-8:45 Breakfast
9:00-9:40 Class 1
9:45-10:25 Class 2
10:30-11:10 Class 3
11:15-11:55 Practice
12:00-12:45 Lunch
1:00-1:40 Class 4
1:45-2:25 Class 5
2:30-3:10 Class 6
3:15- 3:55 Practice
4:00-4:55 Bonus Class/Study Skills
5:00-5:45 Dinner
6:00-8:00 Team Tournaments
8:05-8:15 Closing Remarks
8:20-10:00 Free Time
10:00 In Dorms
11:00 Lights Out
Day 5:
8:00-8:45 Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Class 1
9:20-9:35 Class 2
9:40-9:55 Class 3
10:00-10:15 Class 4
10:20-10:35 Class 5
10:40-10:55 Class 6
11:00-11:55 Camp All Stars Games
12:00 Lunch (Grab and Go)
12:15-1:00 Room Cleanup and Check out