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Online Tournament of Champions and High School Tournament of Champions Qualifying Events

Log In

Log in site for all tests

Coaches should ask their IT administrators to make sure that our sites are whitelisted to prevent the blocking of tests or images.

Domains to unblock from filters:


Alca Site.png

The link will take you to the competition page for the HSTOCQ.

Select Login




test home screen .png
Logging In

Enter the unique code for your test that your coach was sent via email. You will then see a screen similar to this with your test  and name along the top blue bar. Confirm this is correct before clicking start.

Screenshot 2024-07-17 114051.png
How - To

Within the test you can jump back to any unanswered questions by clicking the bottom right Answered button. Click next when you have selected an answer or to skip a problem. 

If you have any unanswered questions you will not see a submit button but the score tally's as you go so you have recorded a score. 

Calculator Use
Scientific Calculators are the only allowed calculator for the HSTOCQ or TOCQ. This rule is new to 2024-2025. 

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